Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Top 3 Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Pro and Contra of Cloud Computing

It is most obligatory in cloud computing is an internet connection, the internet is arguably the only path to cloud computing, when there is no internet connection in place so do not expect us to be able to use a cloud computing system. 

It is still a barrier specially for country that no reach by Internet backbone, because not all areas of the country covered by the Internet access, plus a connection even if there is not yet stable and less adequate.

Confidentiality and security is one of the most doubt on cloud computing. How so?, Very able. By using cloud computing system means we rely entirely on the security and confidentiality of the data to the cloud server provider company. 

The simplest example is when a buddy buddy store photos on facebook with some configurations of privacy given to us, the rest we entrust the security of these files to facebook. If the pictures are missing we can not sue because we utilize services free of charge or for free. Currently have started many companies rent the hosting provider ( server ) file storage such as 4shared, Indowebster, Ziddu, etc., there are free and paid.

Quality server cloud computing is one of the most important considerations before we decided to provide the service provider cloud computing servers. It is not likely we will be harmed type servers where we store files or access the program at any time will be down or performing poorly, instead we are increasingly facilitated by cloud computing instead we actually harmed because of poor quality servers.

This is the top 3 issue of disadvantages of cloud computing

service level
Each service has different capabilities, there is always a limit depending on the service that we use. In addition, cloud providers may not be consistent with the performance of the application or transaction.

Remember that using the cloud, the data we stored in the server where the server is not ours. Cloud providers may access data belonging to you without your knowledge.

Enterprise cloud computing users should pay attention to the regulation of businesses owned. in this case theoretically cloud service providers are expected to equate the level of compliance to data storage in the cloud. However, given that the cloud is still relatively young, the owner of the data is expected to be cautious in terms of data storage.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Disadvantages of Outsourcing

Outsourcing is the transfer of work (operation) from one company to another. This is usually done to reduce the cost of production or to focus on the main points of the company. The term means the removal of offshoring jobs (operations) from one country to another.

Many companies, such as Dell, received negative publicity because of their decision to transfer power in terms of customer service and technical support.

Disadvantages Outsourcing for employees

1. The outsourcing system make the employment status of workers is unclear.
2. Outsourcing means there is the increasingly weak position of workers in the company.
3. outsourcing will eliminate the rights and guarantees of the future labor
4. outsourcing practice of dehumanization or denial of one's basic rights of human beings are free and independent.
5. outsourcing will lead to higher unemployment.
6. outsourcing will further minimize the function and role of unions in the company

Disadvantages Outsourcing for companies

1. Loss of Managerial Control
Do you have a signed contract to another company carrying out the functions of the entire department or a single task, you rotate the management and control functions to other companies. True, you will have a contract, but managerial control will belong to other companies. outsourcing company you will not be pushed with same standard and the mission that drives your company. They will be encouraged to make a profit from the services they provide to you and other businesses like you.

2. Hidden Costs
You will sign a contract with an outsourcing company that will cover the details of the services they will provide. Every thing that is not covered under the contract will be the basis for you to pay extra fees. Additionally, you will have legal fees to retain an attorney to review the contact to be signed. Remember, this is the business outsourcing company. They have done this before and they are the ones who write the contract. Therefore, you will incur a loss when the negotiations started.

3. Security and Privacy Threats
Life - blood of any business is information that is kept running. If you have a salary, medical records or other confidential information to be sent to the outsourcing company, there is a risk that could affect confidentiality. If the function involves outsourcing company owned by sharing data or knowledge ( eg product images, formulas, etc. ), this must be taken into account. Evaluating outsourcing company carefully to ensure your data is protected and the contract has a penalty clause if the incident occurred.

4. quality problems
Outsourcing companies are motivated by profit. Because the contract will fix the price, the only way for them to increase profits is to lower costs. As long as they meet the requirements of the contract, you will pay. Additionally, you will lose the ability to quickly respond to changing business environment. This contract will be very specific and you will pay extra for changes.

5. Tied to Financial Prosperity Other Companies
Because you 're going to flip a part of your business operations to other companies, you will now be associated with the company 's financial well-being. It would not be the first time that an outsourcing company could go bankrupt and leave you holding the bag.

6. Bad publicity and Ill - Will
The word " outsourcing " reminding different things to different people. If you live in a community that has the outsourcing company and they use friends and neighbors, a good outsourcing. If your friends and neighbors lose their jobs because they were sent across the state, across the country or around the world, outsourcing will bring bad publicity. If you outsource part of your operation, morale may suffer in the remaining workforce.

Disadvantages of Laughing Could Harm your Health

Disadvantages of Laughing Could Harm Your Health

Perhaps you have heard of the benefits of laughter. In fact, the activity that was touted as the best medicine because it can cure diseases. However, according to a new study, laughter is not the best medicine because it could harm your health.

According to the study, in addition to the benefits obtained, laughing also at greater risk than suspected. The researchers say, even a woman can experience heart syndrome collapsed and died after a laugh.

In addition, guffaw also may lead to rupture of the heart, tearing the throat, and trigger epileptic seizure. Supply air quickly when laughter can trigger an asthma attack. As well, for those who suffer from urinary incontinence and hernia, guffaw can also aggravate the situation.

Researchers from Birmingham and Oxford University analyzed data from 1946 to late to learn the benefits of laughter on the human body. They do this when the patient entertainer brought to the hospital.

" As a result, the dose laugh without artificial help reduce weight. 's Because these activities effectively burn calories. If done throughout the day, laughter can burn about 2,000 calories, " says the researcher.

Expectant mothers undergoing fertility treatment are also 36 percent more entertained when comedians get pregnant compared with the group that did not. Laughter is also associated with a decrease in blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes and reduce blood vessel stiffness and relieve the pressure.

However, the researchers also confirmed, include humor in everyday life also has a risk, albeit small. Then a study published in The British Medical Journal warned not to overdo it while laughing.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Disadvantage of Democracy

Weak Point of Democracy

Political scientist named Samuel P. Huntington published a book in the 1970s. The book titled Political Order in Changing Societies. The book criticized the government's authority and capacity problems developing countries in penetrating policy. The book implies a, political participation is high ( as a " child " of democracy ) being offset by the institutionalization of political and economic development that enough, will result in political instability.

A study conducted in 1975 found the conditions " crisis " of democracy. Research conducted by Michel J. Crozier ( France ), Samuel P. Huntington ( United States ), and Joji Watanuki ( Japan ) is directed at the political conditions in the countries in implementing democracy established as a cornerstone of government buildings.

The study was conducted in the United States, Japan, and Western European countries. The results of these studies is, countries that are categorized as "champions " of democracy is in trouble. The problem that arises is " born " as a result of various effects multidimensional nature : social, economic, cultural, and political. The problems are born as a result of " success " or the success of democracy.2

Example of this success is economic development that is spectacular ; widespread social and economic improvements, including a lack of class conflict and the growing middle class. Political parties of diverse ideological pure compete in any regular election to form a government. The loser then build a level of opposition in the parliament.

Citizens, both individually and collectively, participate actively in politics more than ever before. Citizens ' rights when dealing with the government increasingly clear assurances and protected. In addition, international cooperation agencies to grow in Europe with the aim of both economic and political. This example between North America with Europe in terms of the military, and between Europe alone, the United States, and Japan with economic goals.

However, this would lead to the success of the democratic challenge to implement democracy in the country. For example, a growing middle class has raised the hopes and aspirations that are often not met when the reaction led to its achievement. Broadening political participation increases the demands on the government. Also, the expansion of the enjoyment of goods and services among young people and the " intellectual " professional class has increased the portion of social adaptation political values ​​and a new lifestyle. Effects due to the emergence of democracy, the three researchers introduced the concept of " anomic democracy. "

Heightened degree of dissatisfaction and distrust of self- government citizens, is the effect of the success of democracy itself. This is for example obvious when many government policies are " scorned " among citizens ( especially the middle class ) and problematic policy implementation. One of the things that led to this is the lack of "common purpose" or a common goal. Parties, citizens, and citizens groups have their own vision and goals in political activity. This is due to the widespread and varied interests as a result of things that have already been mentioned in the section above. The absence of a common goal resulted in reduced legitimacy and support that should be given to the government.

Governance in democracies no longer problematic in terms of consensus ( agreement ) in the rules of democracy. The problem that arises then is, what should be achieved within a group in the game. Or, what should have been achieved by a party or a group of citizens in the administration period.

Democracy, the rule engine, still running. However, the ability of the people who run the machine in order to make decisions tends to decrease. Without a common goal, there is no basis for priority together. Without priority, there is no basis for distinguishing personal interests and claims with the State. Therefore, anomic democracy happens in the event of a conflict between a common goal ( State ) with personal interests / groups, which occurs between the executive, cabinet, parliament, and bureaucrats. Anomic democracy is a democracy into a mere political arena assertion of the conflicting interests, no longer as an arena in which the development process common goal done. Anomic democracy appears, once again, due to the success of democracy itself.

To summarize the process of cause and effect, between the success of democracy and birth problems, can be considered some of the following points :

    Primacy of democracy over the pursuit of equality and individualism led to the delegitimation of authority in general, is also a loss of confidence in the leadership ;
    The expansion of political participation and involvement of citizens, has created a " overload " on the government side as well as imbalances in the expansion of government activity, including exacerbating inflationary tendencies in the economy level ; Overload is due to : ( a) expansion of political participation of citizens; ( b ) The formation of the group and awareness new from old groups, including youth, regional groups, and ethnic minorities ; ( c ) Diversification of political tools and tactics used to meet the interests of each group, (d ) with the increasing expectations of the group that the government is responsible for their needs, and ( e ) the increase in the so-called " necessity. "
    Political competition, which finished the essence of democracy, continues to be intense, leading to polarization and fragmentation of the interests of political parties ;
    Responsiveness democratic government will issue the election and increase public pressure - nationalistic parochialism

Problem of democracy, of which again is a result of competition, the problem of " win -lose " becomes crucial. Each constituency elections have always wanted to win and control the government. However, there are actually a number of phenomena in which it becomes the controlling government policy is a constituent who lost an election through a coalition. This study is summarized in a book titled Loser 's Consent ( published 2005), which was prepared by Christopher J. Anderson, Andre Blais, Shaun Bowler, Todd Donovan, and Ola Listhaug.3 However, on this occasion I am not going to discuss it first.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Top 7 Disadvantage of Excessive Spicy Food

For those of you who like spicy food from now on, you may reduce the spicy food. This is because, it turns out eating that taste excessive spicy foods is not good for your health. Here's 7 Disadvantages of too Spicy Food :

1.     Spicy foods cause damage to the stomach wall. This is because, kind of spicy food is a combination of acid and too much acid came into stomach, causing damage to the wall of your stomach.
2.     Spicy foods cause disease acute gastritis or ulcer. The symptoms of gastritis that is like vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.
3.      Spicy foods lead to gastric ulcer disease or gastric ulcer. Visible symptoms, when you are affected by this disease are stomach burned, symptoms of nausea, vomiting.
4.     Spicy foods exposed to lead you insomnia or trouble sleeping at night. So you should not eat spicy food in at night.
5.     Spicy foods will result in your loss of appetite. So try to reduce the spicy taste of food for your body's health.
6.     Spicy foods resulted in decreased weight. So reduce or eliminate the habit of eating spicy foods if you want a little fat or skinny you are classified.
7.     Spicy foods lead to your headache attack of gastritis disease impact. Because too many spicy foods.

Such health tips discussed 7 dangers spicy foods for your health. Hopefully you are more wary about excessive spicy foods. A warm greeting from the author.

Top 5 Disadvantages of over sleeping


Excessive sleep or too much sleep contains health risks, as well as lack sleep or sleep deprivation. The researchers concluded that sleep exceed 7-8 hours can lead to health problems. As for some kind of health problems caused by excessive sleeping, among others: 

Top 5 Disadvantages of over sleeping

1. Cause cardiovascular disorders
Research conducted in 2007 Warwick Medical School shows too much sleep can increase the risk of premature death due to heart disease. Researchers said the people who sleep more than seven hours a night, would potentially 2X more likely to develop heart disease than those who regularly slept seven hours each night.

2. Easier Affected by Diabetes
Sleep deprivation is known to increase the risk of diabetes. Likewise also occur in people who are too much sleep. People who slept more than nine hours each night, has a 50 % greater risk of diabetes compared with those who slept 7-8 hours enough.

3. Cause complaints " Often dizziness Head "
People who are too much sleep often feel dizzy and sleepy during the day. This leads to disruption of normal sleep patterns on weekdays. In addition to dizziness, excessive sleep can also cause headaches and back pain.

4. depression
Another effect of too much sleep is an increased risk of mental disorders, such as depression. People who are depressed may feel like more sleep. But in turn, excessive sleep can worsen depression itself.

5. Being Triggers chronic back pain
The same thing applies to people who suffer from chronic back pain and headaches. People who experience the worst conditions may want to rest more with sleep, but if done excessively, sleep can actually make the condition worse.